W R E N   W A L K I N G   S T I C K
Sometimes, when we're on holiday in the Scottish Highlands, my wife and I will hike out to a remote loch in the hills and she will leave me fly fishing for brown trout, from the bank or out in a small rowing boat, while she takes our collie dog and walks around the loch and walk the hills… making her way back in time for us to share lunch on the shore.

Last year, in Wester Ross, the going was sufficiently rugged that she took my best walking staff to help her through the heather and somehow managed to lose it! So I made her a new one, with a thumb rest in the shape of a wren… she likes wrens… but it'll do me no good, she's decided it's too special to take outdoors so I daresay it will continue to adorn our hallway… while I hand over my second best staff.
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